Bank Soal Ujian dan Materi Bahasa Inggris

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Contoh percakapan terbaru di Apotek.

Para pencinta blog...pernah ga pergi ke Apotek? Pastinya terjadinya percakapan bukan? Kalau percakapan bahasa Indonesia, pasti mudah. Tetapi, gimana kalu percakapan dengan bahasa Inggris, pasti deg-deggankan? Tidak usah takut, pada kesempatan ini saya akan berbagi contoh percakapan di Apotek.

Percakapan di Apotek
Me          : Good Morning. Apoteker : Good Morning too, what can I help for  you?
Me          : I want to buy some medicine
Apoteker : Do you have medical prescription?
Me          : Yes, here it is

Baca juga:
  1. Percakapan di Pasar
  2. Percakapan di Apotek
  3. Percakapan di Ruang Dokter
  4. Percakapan di Kantor Pos
  5. Percakapan di Perpustakaan
  6. Percakapan di Tempat Rekreasi
  7. Percakapan tentang Hobi
Apoteker : Well let me compute how much the price is
Me          : Yes, Please.
After a moment
Me           : How much is it, miss?
Apoteker  : It will be sixty five thousand rupiah
Me           : Allright, here is the money
Apoteker  : Now wait a moment, I will take the medicine
After taking the medicine
Apoteker : Here you are sir, these tablets have to be taken three times a day
Me          : And this liquid?
Apoteker : You have to take it one table-spoonful at a time. Four time a day. Please shake the bottle before you take it.
Me          : Thank you.

Demikianlah contoh percakapan di Apotek. Semoga bermanfaat.


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