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Contoh Soal Regular dan Irregular Verb

Pilihlah simple past (verb-2) yang tepat bagi regular atau irregular verb di dalam kurung.

1.   She had taken his pills before she … (sleep) last night.
a.   sleeped
b.   slept

2.   Bintang … (affect) my decision to apply as a transfer student.
a.   affected
b.   affectted

3.   When I … (buy) my first property, I did a little research.
a.   buyed
b.   bought

4.   It was Yulian who … (study) geology and mineralogy at the University of the Kairo.
a.   studied
b.   studyed

5.   In 2017 he … (begin) working at a police office located in Selong.
a.   begun
b.   began

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