Bank Soal Ujian dan Materi Bahasa Inggris

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Contoh Soal latihan Checking for Understanding.

Selamat datang, pada kesempatan ini kami berbagi Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester I yaitu Contoh Soal latihan Checking for Understanding. 

1. Read this Dialogue and answer the question below!


Mother: Dear, can you help me to cook fish?

Tiara   : Yes, Mom

Mother: Will you buy me some fish in the market, first?

Tiara   : Okay, Mom. I will go there by a motorcycle

Mother: All right. And please don’t forget to buy ginger at Mak Sumi’s shop. Do you know what I mean, dear?

Tiara   : I don’t quite follow you, Mom.

Mother: please don’t forget to buy ginger at Mak Sumi’s shop Okay, be careful   dear.

Tiara: thank you Mom. I’ll go now.

  1. How many persons are there in this dialogue?
  2. Where does the conversation take place?
  3. What does Tiara’s mother want Tiara to do?
  4. Where will Tiara buy fish?
  5. How do Tiara go to the market?
  6. Does her mother want her to buy anything else?
  7. Where should Tiara buy ginger?
  8. What does her mother say to check whether Tiara understands or not?
  9. And what is Tiara’s response ?
  10. Do you think that she is happy to go to market?
2. Complete the dialogues using the words in the box!

a. No, I don’t
b. I see
c. Do you undertand?
d. Any question
e. Please pay attention?

Dialogue 1
Mr. Fariz: We will make an greeting card.  . . .(1)

Students  : Yes, Sir

Dialogue 2
Rosa : Do you understand the homework?

Nila   :  . . . . (2) How about you?

Rosa : Yes, I do.

Dialogue 3

Teacher : Ok . . . . (3) I will describe what the simple past tense is. Simple past is used to talk about finished actions that happened at a spesific time in the past.

Students:  . . . . (4)

Teacher :  .  .  .  . (5)

Bintang : Please explain the example of simple past tense, Sir.

Teacher : All right.

Demikian, semoga bermanfaat.

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