Bank Soal Ujian dan Materi Bahasa Inggris

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Contoh percakapan terbaru di Kantor Pos

Para pencinta blog...pernah ga pergi ke Kantor Pos? Pastinya terjadinya percakapan bukan? Kalau percakapan bahasa Indonesia, pasti mudah. Tetapi, gimana kalu percakapan dengan bahasa Inggris, pasti deg-deggankan? Tidak usah takut, pada kesempatan ini saya akan berbagi contoh percakapan di Kantor Pos. Mari dibaca dengan seksama!

Me            : Excuse me.
Petugas     : Yes?
Petugas    : Do you want to send it by letter .post or parcel post? It'd be three rupees fifty paise1 by letter post, and two rupees twenty-five paise by parcel post.
Me            : You'd better send it by letter post. It might be quicker.
Petugas     : All right. Anything else I can do for you?
Me            : Yes. Could you weigh this letter, please?
Petugas     : It's just over twenty grams. It'll cost you one rupee forty paise. Here're the stamps for the parcel and the letter. Will you affix them, please?

Me            : I also want twenty inland letter sheets and ten stamped envelopes.

Petugas   : By all means. But wait a minute, please. Let me first give you the receipt for the parcel. Here's the receipt. And here's the postal stationery.

Me            : Thank you very much. Can I leave the parcel there on the desk in front of you? Petugas     : Yes. But put the letter in the box over there.

Me             : Oh, yes.   you very much.

Demikianlah contoh percakapan di Kantor Pos. Semoga bermanfaat.

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