Chapter 2 : "Let's start our wall magazine !"
In this cahpter, we will learn to use the right words and expressions:
- To state rules (untuk menyatakan peraturan).
- To give suggestion to do and not to do something (memberi saran untuk dilakukan dan tidak melakukan sesuatu).
- To invite someone to do and not to do something (untuk mengundang seseorang untuk melakukan dan tidak melakukan sesuatu).
- To say to agree or disagree with rules, suggestions, and invitations (Untuk mengatakan setuju atau tidak setuju dengan peraturan, saran, dan undangan).
- To keep good interpersonal relationship (untuk menjaga hubungan interpersonal yang baik).
A. To state rules (untuk menyatakan peraturan).
Berikut ini beberapa contoh peraturan yang berlaku di Madrasah/Sekolah:
- The students must wear a uniform everyday.
- From Monday to Thursday they must wear the batik shirt.
- The girls must wear a black skirt.
- The boys must wear a pair of black pants.
- On Friday they must wear the Scout uniform.
- They must wear proper shoes.
- They must not wear sandals, a T-shirt, or a casual wear at any place and at any time during the school hours.
- The students must not be late to school.
- The students must come on time to class and to the !ag ceremony.
- If The students are late, they must wait outside the gate.
- The students must not come in until the security guard gives us permission.
- The students must sign a paper before they come to class.
- If The students cannot come on time for any reason, they must hand in a notice from our parents to the perincipal.
- The students must keep our class clean and tidy.
- The students must not litter.
- The students must put the garbage in the garbage bin.
- The students must not write or draw anything on the desks and on the walls.
- The students must sweep the !oor and
- The students must dust the teacher’s desk and the shelf everyday.
- The students must not be noisy.
- The students must respect our friends who are working seriously.
- The students must not chat and talk very loudly in class.
- The students must keep their voice low.
- The students must not play around.
- The students must work at their desks most of the time.
1. Giving a Suggestion
- May I suggest…?
- You may/might like to…?
- Have you considered/thought of…?
- Would you care to....?
- Why don’t we/you….?
- Why not…?
- How about….?
- What about…?
- Let’s/Let me…
- Shall we….?
- I’ll tell you what. We’ll….
- I propose that….
- I propose this change….
- I’d like to suggest that….
- Why don’t you…?
- I have an idea.
2. Responding Suggestion
- It’s sounds like a good suggestion.
- I have no objection.
- It is a good suggestion.
- I think you can do it.
- Perhaps you could.
- Why not?
- You can’t be all things to all people.
- That’s a good idea.
- You are right.
- Good idea.
- You’re doing too much.
Demikian, semoga bermanfaat.
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