Berikut ini contoh percakapan yang sering dilakukan oleh seorang pasien ketika meminta diperiksa keadaan kesehatannya di ruang dokter.
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Percakapan di ruang dokter
PATIENT : Good evening, doctor.
DOCTOR : Good evening, sir. What's your trouble?
PATIENT : I haven't been feeling well lately.
DOCTOR : What exactly is the problem?
PATIENT : I often feel quite sick. Have had a lot of pain in the stomach for several days. I've also had severe headaches for over two days.
DOCTOR : What's your appetite like?
PATIENT : Not at all good. I don't feel like eating anything. I feel full up all the time.
DOCTOR : Have you had any fever?
PATIENT : Well, I do feel feverish all the time. I've also had a bad taste in the mouth since I've been sick.
DOCTOR : All right, let me take your temperature first. There! Give me your wrist, please. There's nothing wrong with the pulse. Now take off your pullover. And your shirt too. Loosen your clothes a little. I'll examine you, if you lie down on that couch. Do you feel any pain here?
PATIENT : Yes, some.
DOCTOR : And here?
PATIENT : Oh, that's quite painful!
DOCTOR : All right. You may get dressed now.
PATIENT : I hope there's nothing serious, doctor?
DOCTOR : No, nothing serious. I'm prescribing two kinds of tablets.Take one before meals. And the other after meals for three days. Don't eat any fried or spicy food. Drink milk and have milk foods as much as you can. And do take some rest.
PATIENT : Do I need to stay away from work, doctor?
DOCTOR : No, not at all. Just take it easy and have rest whenever you can. Come and see me if the trouble does not go quickly.
PATIENT : Thank you very much, doctor. Good-bye!
Demikian, semoga bermanfaat.
DOCTOR : Good evening, sir. What's your trouble?
PATIENT : I haven't been feeling well lately.
DOCTOR : What exactly is the problem?
PATIENT : I often feel quite sick. Have had a lot of pain in the stomach for several days. I've also had severe headaches for over two days.
DOCTOR : What's your appetite like?
PATIENT : Not at all good. I don't feel like eating anything. I feel full up all the time.
DOCTOR : Have you had any fever?
PATIENT : Well, I do feel feverish all the time. I've also had a bad taste in the mouth since I've been sick.
DOCTOR : All right, let me take your temperature first. There! Give me your wrist, please. There's nothing wrong with the pulse. Now take off your pullover. And your shirt too. Loosen your clothes a little. I'll examine you, if you lie down on that couch. Do you feel any pain here?
PATIENT : Yes, some.
DOCTOR : And here?
PATIENT : Oh, that's quite painful!
DOCTOR : All right. You may get dressed now.
PATIENT : I hope there's nothing serious, doctor?
DOCTOR : No, nothing serious. I'm prescribing two kinds of tablets.Take one before meals. And the other after meals for three days. Don't eat any fried or spicy food. Drink milk and have milk foods as much as you can. And do take some rest.
PATIENT : Do I need to stay away from work, doctor?
DOCTOR : No, not at all. Just take it easy and have rest whenever you can. Come and see me if the trouble does not go quickly.
PATIENT : Thank you very much, doctor. Good-bye!
Demikian, semoga bermanfaat.
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