Bank Soal Ujian dan Materi Bahasa Inggris

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Jawaban Soal Reported Speech

Berikut ini jawaban dari Reported Speech, semoga bisa memudahkan dalam menjawab soal.

1. He asked me if they had eaten out together the day before. | Direct speech berupa yes-no question dengan time reference “yesterday”. Time reference perlu diubah menjadi “the day before” atau” the previous day”.

2. He told me not to turn off the light at that time. | Verb menjadi infinitive pada reporting commands (perintah).

3. She wanted to know what my passion was. | Direct speech berupa wh- question (information request) –> pindahkan verb ke belakang subject (word order).

3. He said that he began to understand the concept of Biodiversity. | Direct speech berupa statement (pernyataan) dengan verb simple present tense. Verb diubah menjadi simple past tense (penyampai berita fokus pada fakta bahwa pembicaraan merupakan past conversation).

4. He told me that my friend had just left. | Verb present perfect tense disesuaikan menjadi past perfect tense.

5. She asked me whether she could borrow my pencil for a moment. | Modal verb “can” (present) disesuakan menjadi “could” (past).

6. He asked her why she was staring at his feet. | Verb present continuous tense pada direct speech menjadi past continuous tense pada reported speech.

7. He said that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. | Verb tidak berubah (menjadi past) karena pernyataan berupa general truth.

8. She said she was going to meet her penpal for the first time the next day. | Time reference “tomorrow” disesuaikan menjadi “the next day” atau “the following day”.

9. They said they had been there for a week. | “Here” pada direct speech diubah menjadi “there”.

Demikian jawabannya, semoga bermanfaat.


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