Bank Soal Ujian dan Materi Bahasa Inggris

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Pembahasan Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8: Telling what we or other people think or something.

Selamat datang, pada kesempatan ini kami berbagi Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester I yaitu Telling what we or other people think or something.

Sebelum kita tahu apa itu meminta dan memberi pendapat, kita harus tahu dulu apa itu pendapat. Opini adalah kalimat yang berisi argumen, alasan atau pendapat seseorang. 

Asking Opinion adalah kalimat yang menanyakan pendapat atau argumen kepada orang lain agar memuaskan. Giving Opinion merupakan kalimat yang memberikan alasan kepada seseorang atau orang lain. 

Jadi, Asking and Giving Opinion adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk membicarakan argumen atau pendapat dua orang atau lebih.

a. Expressions of Asking Opinion (Ungkapan meminta pendapat)

There are expressions of asking opinion in two situations:


  • Do you have any idea?
  • Do you have any opinion on …
  • Do you think is/are …
  • Have you got any comments on …
  • What is your opinion about….?
  • What are you feeling about….?


  • What do you think of…….?
  • What do you think about…?
  • What is your idea/opinion…?
  • How do you like?
  • How do you think of Feby’s idea ?
b. Expressions of Giving Opinion (Ungkapan memberikan pendapat)

There are expressions of giving opinion in two situations:


  • I personally believe …..
  • I personally consider ….
  • I personally think /feel ….
  • I hold the opinion ….
  • Well, personally …
  • I assume/guess …


  • I think it’s good/nice/great …
  • I think that…
  • I think I like it.
  • In my opinion …
  • In my case …..
  • In my mind …..
  • I believe …
  • If you ask to me, I feel ….

Example of formal expression:

Student : Miss Lidya, what is your opinion about my result   in this semester?

Teacher : I personally think your result in this semester is very  good, keep your grades Ananda.

Student : Thank you so much for your information Miss Lidya.   I am very glad to hear that.

Examples of informal expression

Dialogue 1

Tegar   :  What do you think of my new ball?

Reza    :  I think your ball is nice.

Dialogue 2

Lala : What is your idea about the stars in this night Aisyah?

Nia  : Wow.. I think it is very beautiful...

Demikian Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 yaitu Telling what we or other people think or something.


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