Bank Soal Ujian dan Materi Bahasa Inggris

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Contoh percakapan terbaru bahasa Inggris tentang hobby Collecting Stamps.

Berikut ini contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang hobby_Collecting Stamps. Mari dibaca dengan seksama!

Fariz      : Hi Bintang, how are you today?

Bintang  : Ohh…. Hi Fariz, I am very happy. And you?

Fariz      : Not so bad. By the way,  why do you collect many stamps?

Bintang  : I am collecting the stamps for my collection.

Bintang  : Yes, actually my hobby is collecting stamps.

Fariz      : Why do you like collecting stamps?

Bintang  : Because I like to see the unique pictures of the stamps. How about you, what is your hobby?

Fariz       : Hmm… I think I don’t have hobby. Should we have a hobby?

Bintang  : Not really. But in our lives we must have something we like most which is called hobby.

Fariz      : So, hobby is a pleasure. Then, I think I have a hobby now.

Bintang  : Of course, so what is your hobby?

Fariz      : I like to read comics especially detective Conan.

Bintang  : That is your hobby. Reading comic. Do you have all of detective Conan’s collection?

Fariz      : Yes, I do. I even go to the black market because the original comics have not yet been published. How about your stamps collection?

Bintang  : So far I have collected stamps from some countries but I still should find other stamps.   

Fariz      : Do you need much money for your hobby?

Bintang  : Yes of course I need much money because I order the stamps so it costs little bit  expensive.

Fariz      : Wow…. Your hobby is expensive.

Bintang  : Yeah but I like to do it.

Fariz      : Okay good luck with your hobby.

Bintang  : Thank you.

Fariz      : You are welcome.

Demikian penjelasan Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang hobby_Collecting Stamps. Semoga bermanfaat, jangan lupa dishare..!!!

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