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Contoh Soal Latihan Terbaru Tentang Attention Kelas IX MTs/SMP.

Berikut ini soal latihan tentang attention. Selamat menjawab!

Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 1 and 2) !

Rafasya: Do you know, my new roomate is very choosey. I don’t like her character. (Apakah kamu tahu, teman sekamar baru saya sangat pemilih. Saya tidak suka karakternya).

Gilang   : Really? (Sungguh?)

Rafasya: Embarrassing. He just talks big! (Memalukan. Dia hanya berbicara besar!).

Gilang   : Mmmmhh….

Rafasya: She is only concerned with herself and told about his branded things. (Dia hanya peduli dengan dirinya sendiri dan menceritakan tentang hal-hal bermerek).

1. The underlined word is showing…
A. Showing interesting news
B. Responding Admiration
C. Asking Attention
D. Responding of certainty
E. Showing Attention

2. Why Rafasya very angry with his new girlfriend?
A. She is annoying
B. She is generous
C. She is very talkaktive
D. She is very kind
E. She is very nice

Complete the dialogue below (for question number 3 and 4)! 

Lukman : A terrible thing happened to me yesterday. My mom was very angry to me.

Ikhsan   : Oh my God. Why?

Lukman : I lost my motorcycle when I parked it in front of the bookstore.

Ikhsan   : Oh No ! (4)____________.

3. Why Lukman’s mother was very angry?
A. Lukman had lost his motorcycle
B. Lukman has stolen a motorcycle
C. Lukman was parked in front of the bookstore
D. Lukman told Riadi that his motorcycle was lost
E. Lukman bought a new motorcycle

4. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is…
A. It sound nice
B. Buy a new one
C. I am really happy to hear that
D. I’m sorry to hear that
E. You can do it

Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 5)!

Mr. Iqbal: Hello students, Can I have your attention, please? In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in English. The questions and the dialogues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you listen to the dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answers, and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question.

Students: That’s alright, Sir.

5. The underlined expression expresses ....
A. Expressing satisfaction
B. Making an appointment
C. Asking Attention
D. Giving Attention
E. Declining Attention

Demikian, semoga bermanfaat.

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