There is a large tree in the forest with a thick stem, many large branches, and leafy. A lonely child who came to the tree to play.
The boy imagined he heard the tree was friendly to him said, "Let me climb it. Build a small house to play up here. You can use the limb little if you want, also daunku rich. "So the boy climbed up the tree, break a few twigs, take the leaves, and making secret house high in the tree. Although it hurt the tree, but the tree was happy to sacrifice a little to see the boy get so much pleasure. During the days are long, the child will play in the tree house. The tree was happy.
When the boy grew older, he quit playing in the tree. The tree was sad, ducking branches and deadunannya lose luster.
After a few years, the teenage son who is now back. The tree is joy to see it again. The young man thought he heard the tree said, "Let's Climb me again. Your old tree house is still here. I miss you."
"Now I'm too old to play the tree house, 'thought the teenager. "I wanted to go but I'm too poor."
"No problem, 'the tree seems to say," Come back in a week. I will bear fruit. I'll earn extra. Please harvested all my fruit and sell to pay college tuition. "
Then the boy returned seven days later. The tree was full of ripe fruit. The boy took it all until the last fruit, sell, and enough for one year of tuition fees. The tree was very happy.
The boy was returned over the next three years, taking every fruit and sell it to meet the costs. The tree was happy. The tree was even seem to try harder each year to produce more fruit for her best friend, even though this makes the tree more fatigue and pain.
When he graduated, he stopped coming. The tree was sad again. A few years later, the boy, now a young man, back. He has a very clear impression that the old tree was weeping with joy to see it again. "Wait a few more days. Although I am now a bit weak, I can still produce a lot of fruit that you sold to pay for college. "
"I'm not in college anymore," the boy said, "I've got a job. I've fallen in love and want to marry, but we need a house to live in. "
"No problem," a tree that seems to say, "come back tomorrow with a chainsaw. Take my heavy boughs. It could be to create a floor board and a strong pole.In fact, there is enough wood to make walls. Use small branches and large leaves for the roof. There are many."
Thus, the next day, the young man took the whole branches and leaves to make his home, leaving only the stem. Despite the severe wounding of the tree, the tree was happy making huge sacrifices for their loved ones.
Over the years, the boy never returned. The tree is dependent on happy memories to sustain her life.
When the child came again, now a middle-aged man, the tree was nearly jumping out of the ground with joy. "Welcome! Really happy to see you again! "This time even the birds could hear the tree. "What can I do for you? Please let me help. "
"I now have a son," the man replied, "and I want to start my furniture business alone to earn enough to give them a good life."
"Very good," said the old tree, "even though you may think I'm just an old stump, there are many beautiful wood in batangku to make lots of expensive furniture.Take it. I would be happy if you take all. "
Then he came the next day, cut down the tree trunk and got quite a lot of timber class to start a furniture business.
Shortly thereafter, the tree was dead.
Years later, the boy, now become parents, visiting places where healthy trees that once stood, where he built a tree house when they were small, which has always been so generous to him. What was left was a decaying roots. The old man laid his head on the roots of the moment. The root of it is much more convenient than feather pillows. He remembers tearfully how the tree has helped him, without asking, whenever he needs help. How the tree was sacrificed everything for him, and happy to do so at any time. It PU asleep. When he woke up from the dream, he realizes that the tree is a parent.
In conclusion: The sacrifices of parents is like a tree with no strings attached. Hopefully useful and thank you for visiting my blog and please share.
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