Birth and Struggle TGKH. M. Zainuddin Abdul Madjid
Monday, 30/01/2017
Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb. Meet me again, How's it going? Hopefully Just stay healthy and in the protection of Allah SWT. Yours sincerely to all teachers especially MTs NWBoro'Tumbuh teachers. On this occasion, I will share inspirational stories with the aim that our days are meaningful. Today about, "Birth and Struggle TGKH M. Zainuddin Abdul Madjid". Let's read it carefully!
Birth and Struggle TGKH. M. Zainuddin Abdul Madjid
Al Maghfurulahu Maulana Shaykh TGKH. M. Zainuddin Abdul Madjid was born in the village of Bermi Pancor East Lombok West Nusa Tenggara on 17 Rabiul Awal 1316 H (1898 AD) from the marriage of TGH.Abdul Madjid with Hj. Halimatus Sa'diyah . His name is Muhammad Syaggaf , the name is motivated by a very interesting event to be observed ie 3 (three) days before he was born. TGH. Abdul Madjid was visited by the waliyullah from Hadramaut and Magrabi respectively. Both waliyullah had by chance had the same name, namely "Syaqqaf". Both guardians were advised to TGH. Abdul Madjid for his son to be born was given the name "Syaqqaf" Syaqqaf means "roof repairman", The word "Syaqqaf" in Indonesiakan becomes "Saggaf" and for the Sasak language dialect to "Segep". That is why he is often called "Gep" by Hajjah's mother Halimatus Sa'diyah.
After performing the pilgrimage, the name is replaced with "Haji Muhammad Zainuddin". This name was given by his own father who was taken from the name of a great scholar who teaches at the Grand Mosque. Morals and personality of the great scholar is very attractive to his father. The name of the great scholar was Shaykh Muhammad Zainuddin Sarawak.
Maulana Shaykh TGKH. Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid is the youngest child. His five siblings were Siti Syarbini, Siti Cilah, Hajjah Saudah, Haji Muhammad Sabur and Hajjah Masyitah.
Her father is TGH. Abdul Madjid is famous for the calling of "Guru Mu'minah" is a brave and brave muballigh. He once led the battle against the invaders, while his mother Hajjah Halimatus Sa'diyah was famously godly.
Since childhood Al-mukarram Maulana Shaykh TGKH. Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid is famous for being very honest and intelligent. It is not surprising, therefore, that his fathers pay special attention and spill so much love to him. While visiting the Holy Land of Makkah to continue his studies, his mother's father took to the Holy Land.
His father was the one who found the teacher where he first studied at the Grand Mosque and had accompanied him in the Holy Land for two hajj seasons. While his mother Hajjah Halimatus Sa'diyah participated in the Holy Land to accompany and nurture him until his beloved mother went to Rahmatullah three and a half years later and was buried in Mu'alla Makkah.
Thus it appears that the great concern of his father-mother on his education. This is also reflected in his mother's attitude that every time he departs to study, his mother always mendo'akan with the words "Hopefully you get knowledge of the barakah" while shaking hands and continue to pay attention to his departure until not seen again by the eye.
Once upon a time, he forgot to say goodbye to his mother. He was already walking up to the new gate the mother saw him. The mother called him back to return. Then the mother prayed then he departed. This is a sign that how much awareness his mother will be important and mustajabnya mother's prayer for the child as confirmed in the hadith of Rasullah SAW, that the mother's prayer occupy the second rank after the prayer of the Prophet.
Al Mukkarram Maulanasysyaikh TGKH. Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid as the clergy 'leader of the ummah, in the life of the nation and the nation has assumed various positions and instilled various services of devotion, including:
- In 1934 founded the Al-Mujahidin pesantren
- In 1937 established the NWDI Madrasah
- In 1943 established the NBDI madrasah
- In 1945 the pioneer of Indonesian independence for the Lombok region
- In 1946 the pioneer of the onslaught of NICA in Selong Lombok Timur
- In 1947/1948 became Amirul Haji from the State of East Indonesia
- In 1948/1949 Member of State of East Indonesia Delegation to Saudi Arabia
- In 1950 the Consulate of NU Sunda Kecil.
- In 1952 Chairman of Masyumi Penaseha Agency of Lombok Region.
- In 1953 Established the Nahdlatul Wathan Organization.
- In 1953 the Chairman of the First PBNW;
- In 1953 approved the formation of the NU and PSII parties in Lombok
- In 1954 approved the formation of PERTI Branch Lombok
- In 1955 Constituent Member of RI result of General Election I (1955)
- In 1964 the founding of the Paedagogik NW Academy
- In 1964 became Participant KIAA (Asian African Conference of Islam) in Bandung.
- In 1965 founded Ma'had Darul Qu'an Wal Hadith Al Majidiyah Asy Syafi'iyah Nahdlatul Wathan;
- In 1972-1982 Members of MPR RI resulted from II and III elections
- In 1971-1982 Majlis Ulama Advisors' Indonesia Center
- In 1974 founded Ma'had Lil Banat
- In 1975 the Chairman of Syara's Advisory Board 'Siti Hajar Mataram Islamic Hospital (until 1997)
- In 1977 founded Hamzanwadi University
- In 1977 Became Rector of Hamzanwadi University
- In 1977 founded the faculty of Hamzanwadi University's tarbiyah school
- In 1978 founded STKIP Hamzanwadi
- In 1978 founded the Hamzanwadi Shari'ah College of Science.
- In 1982 founded the Hamzan Wadi Education Foundation
- In 1987 founded the University of Nahdlatul Wathan mataram
- In 1987 founded Hamzanwadi Law School of Law;
- In 1990 founded Hamzanwadi Preaching College;
- In 1994 founded the Religious Alms Madrasah of the sons and daughters;
- In 1996 founded the Hamzanwadi Institute of Islamic Religion
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Thanks for your post ust. Sumekar 👍👍👍
You are welcome ustad...