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Contoh Soal Latihan Present Perfect Tense

Selamat datang lagi di blog saya. Semoga kita dalam keadaan sehat untuk mendalami ilmu bahasa inggris.  Pada kesempatan ini kita akan membahas tentang Soal Present Perfect Tense. Berikut ini contohnya.

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ini!

1. I … read the terms and conditions.
a.  have
b. has

2. The businessman … offered her three times the value of her property, but she’s not interested.
a.  ‘ve
b. ‘s

3. Have you ever … the beautiful desert scenery?
a.  see
b.  seen

4. … Fariz been to Anjani?
a.  is
b.  has

5. My uncle … as a medical assistant for almost a year.
a.  has worked
b.  have worked

6. Someone … left the letter on your desk.
a.  have
b.  has

2. The businessman … offered her three times the value of her property, but she’s not interested.
a.  ‘ve
b. ‘s

3. Have you ever … the beautiful desert scenery?
a.  see
b.  seen

4. … Fariz been to Anjani?
a.  is
b.  has

5. My uncle … as a medical assistant for almost a year.
a.  has worked
b.  have worked

6. Someone … left the letter on your desk.
a.  have
b.  has

7. Fariz as well as her sister … used organic products for skin care since January.
a.  have
b.  has

8. One of the students … completed the final exam.
a.  ‘ve just
b.  ‘s just

9. How much have you … for clothes that you never wear?
a.  spent
b.  spend

10.  He hasn’t … a bribe for education services, has he?
a.  paid
b.  pay

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