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Contoh soal harian terbaru tentang Certainty and Uncertainty.

Berikut ini kami berbagi contoh soal semester tingkat MTs. Selamat mengerjakan!

Choose the correct answer!

 1.  Johan : Hi, Yudi, the weather is cloudy. Do you think it  will rain soon?
     Yudi   : I think so, I am ... It will rain soon.
       a.   Sure                 
       b.   not sure
       c.   Certainty           
       d.   doubtful

2. Mr. James : If I don't have certificate showing ownership of property for  
                     guarantee, will the bank lend me some money?
    Mr. Chang : I can't say that for sure.   
    The underlined expression is used to express ....
       a.   Disappointment    
       b.   disagreement
       c.   Uncertainty           
       d.   dislike

 3.  Luna  :    What do you think about Titi?  Will she come to night?
      Maya :    I don't think she will come.
      From the dialogue above, we know that...
         a.   Maya feels sure that Titi will come.
         b.   Maya feels uncertain that Titi  will come.
         c.   Maya doesn't like Titi.
         d.   Maya tries to think about Titi.

 4.  Andi   :  Is this your ruler, Toha?
      Toha   :  No, it isn't. That one is mine.
      Andi   :  May I borrow it?
      Toha   :  ......
      Andi   :  Thanks
       a.  No, thanks          
       b.  No, way
       c.   I am not sure      
       d.  Certainly, Here you are

5.   Susan   :  Oh, I have lost my pen. May I borrow yours, John?
      John     :  .....Here you are.
      a.    You are welcome 
      b.    I am sorry
      c.    Thank you         
      d.   Yes, certainly

 6.  Dedy      :  Are you sure that she will come to my party  tonight?
      Mizwar    :   I'm sure about that.
      The underlined sentence is used to express .....
      a.  Certainty            
      b.  Uncertainty
      c.   Disagreement     
      d.   Suggestion

7.   Mrs. Diah   :  Can Dewi operate the computer?
      Nelly          :   May be she can, but ...., I have never seen operate it.
      a. I'm afraid she can          
      b. I'm sure about it 
      c. I doubt it                       
      d. I'm surprised to know what ...

8.   Miss Dina  : Do you think that the headmaster will be here at 7.30 tomorrow
      Miss Ati     : ....he will. He always gets here before 7.
     a.  I doubt                          
     b.  I'm sure
     c.  I'm afraid                        
     d.  I can't stay

9.  Bobby   :  I'm sure Fredy  has forgotten to come here.
     Herman :  ....he always keeps his promises. I know him well.
     a.  I doubt                          
     b.  I'm sure
     c.  I'm sorry                        
     d.  I agree with you

10. Your friend  :  Will you come to my house?
      You            :  .....
      a.   Certainty            
      b.   No, I'm not
      c.   No, I won't         
      d.   Yes, I do

11.  Iwan :  Friday is the due date for our assignment.
       Andi :  Sorry. Could you repeat what you just said?
       Iwan:  I said Friday is the due date for assignment.
      Andi  :  Yes, you are right, but I'm sure that I can submit it before that. 
                  How about you?
       Iwan:  I'm not so sure I will be able to make it.
       Andi :  Yes, you can. I'm sure, you can.
       a.   Certainty           
       b.   Uncertainty
       c.   Agreement        
       d.   Disagreement

12.  Tina  :  Do you want to join us in the coming holiday?
       Sari  :  Where are you going?
       Tina  :  To Pangandaran.
       Sari  :  .... My family plan to visit my grandfather in the village.
      a.  I am certain                   
      b.  That's a good idea.
      c.   I don't doubt that          
      d.   I am not sure.

13.  Mini : I heard, our classroom will be renovated in the next view days.
      Nur : Are you sure?
      Mini : Well, I can’t tell you for sure. I think we should ask our teacher.
       a.   Certainty           
       b.   Uncertainty
       c.   Agreement        
       d.   Disagreement

14. Tamrin : Hey, don’t you know that we have a school bus now?
      Firman : Are you certain?
      Tamrin : Yes, of course. The headmaster himself told me.
      The underlined expression is used to express ....
      a.   Disappointment    
      b.   Disagreement
      c.   Certainty             
      d.   Dislike

15.  Anne : Are you sure all the garbage is easy to destroy?
      Marry :. .......... The garbage like plastics is difficult to destroy.
      a. No, I doubt about it          
      b. I’m sure
      c. Yes, certainty                   
      d. I don't doubt it

16. Tamrin : Hey, don’t you know that we have a school bus now?
      Firman : Are you certain?
      Tamrin :. ........... The headmaster himself told me.
       a. Yes, of course      
       b. I doubt it
       c. I’m not sure         
       d. it’s possible

17. Peter : Are you sure air pollution is more dangerous for the children?
      Jim   : Yes, I’m quite sure. It causes the illness for them.      
     The underlined sentence is used to express ......
      a.  Certainty            
      b.  Uncertainty
      c.   Disagreement     
      d.   Suggestion

      Amir   : Tuesday, next week, is the due date for our assignment.
      Ani     : Yes,  you are right, but, I ‘m sure that I can submit it before that.                         How about you? 1
      Amir   : I’m not so sure I will be able to make it. 2
      Ani     : Yes, you can. I’m sure, you can. 3

18. The underlined sentence 1 is used to express ......
      a.  Certainty            
      b.  Uncertainty
      c.  Disagreement     
      d.  Suggestion

19. The underlined sentence 2 is used to express ......
      a.  Certainty            
      b.  Uncertainty
      c.  Doubt               
      d.  Suggestion

20. The underlined sentence 3 is used to express ......
      a.  Certainty          
      b.  Uncertainty
      c.   Doubt                
      d.   Showing concern

      Anang    : Did you do the test very well, Andi? 1
      Andi       : No, definitely, not. I don’t have a hope of  getting even 50. 2
      Anang    : But are you sure?  3
      Andi       : Absolutely. Not a hope! 4
      Anang    : Don’t worry too much. Next time better. 5

21. The underlined sentence 1 is used to express ......
      a.  Asking for certainty          
      b.  Uncertainty
      c.   Disagreement               
      d.   Suggestion

22. The underlined sentence 2 is used to express ......
      a. Certainty             
      b. Uncertainty
      c. Doubt                  
      d. Suggestion

23. The underlined sentence 3 is used to express ......
      a.  Asking for certainty          
      b.  Uncertainty
      c.   Disagreement                 
      d.   Suggestion

24. The underlined sentence 4 is used to express ......
      a.  Certainty            
      b.  Uncertainty
      c.   Doubt                 
      d.   Suggestion

25. The underlined sentence 5 is used to express
      a.  Certainty             
      b.  Uncertainty
      c.   Doubt               
      d.   showing concern

Fatimah : Anisa, do you  think  that  it will be possible  to go on holiday  
               to the moon in the next fifty years?. 1
Anisa    : Well, I am sure it could happen. Why? 2
Fatimah : Well, I was just wondering it would be a great achievement. 

26. The underlined sentence 1 is used to express ......
      a.  Asking for certainty         
      b.  Uncertainty
      c.  Disagreement                 
      d.  Suggestion

27. The underlined sentence 2 is used to express ......
      a.  Certainty                         
      b.  Uncertainty
      c.  Doubt                             
      d.  Suggestion

28. Lala : are you coming in lika’s birthday party to night?
      Kaka: .......... she has invited me. I haven’t got the invitation yet.
       a. May be                    
       b. Of course
       c. It’s possible             
       d. I don’t think

29. Nami : do you think that publishing this news will mean a huge 
                increase in our sales volume?
      Ine   : ......... but it’s worth considering
         a. I agree                      
         b. I don’t think so
         c. I’m not sure             
         d. I’m confused

30. Mom : When the price of petrol rises, the price of all basic commodities 
                follows to rise. It always happens like this?
      Dad : ........... that our income will be sfficient if there is no increase 
               in our salary.
        a.  I’m sure            
        b. It’s certain
        c. It’s possible       
        d. I doubt

31.  someone ask you : what time will the concert end?
       If you are certain, you say......
        a. Perhaps            
        b. No
        c. I’m not sure      
        d. I doubt

32. Toto    : Tom, are you sure that we are going to have a math test 
                   next Monday?
      Thomas: ...... We’ve finished lesson 5, haven’t we ?
       a. I hope so                        
       c. I’m sorry to hear that
       b. I agree with you              
       d. I’m 100 % certain about it

33. Mrs mala: If I do not have certificate showing ownership of 
                    property for the guarantee, will the bank lend me some money?
      Mrs puff : I can’t say that for sure
      The underlined sentence is used to express ......
      a.  Asking for certainty         
      b.  Uncertainty
      c.  Disagreement                 
      d.  Suggestion

34. Sarah : I’m absolutely positive that I pass the final test.
      Nari   : I hope so.
      From the dialog we know that......
    a. Sarah is sure to pass the test     
    b. Nari will pass the test
    c. They will have the final test
    d. Sarah thinks nari should pass the test

35. lisa: the earth is cube
      Sasa: .................
     a. I’m not sure         
     b. I’m certain 
     c. I’m doubt              
     d. I’m sure
      Mila: Do you believe that german in europe? 1
      Bili : Yes I believe about it.  2

36.The underlined sentence 1 is used to express ......
      a.  Asking for certainty        
      b.  Uncertainty
      c.  Disagreement                
      d.  Suggestion

37. The underlined sentence 2 is used to express ......
      a. Certainty             
      b. Uncertainty
      c. Doubt                  
      d. Suggestion

38. Mari  : I plan to go to saturn
      Ganis: ..........
      a. I’m sure                
      b. I doubt it
      c. I’m certain               
      d. I’m not too sure

39. Miss Dina: Do you think that the headmaster will be here at 7.30 
                      tomorrow morning?
      Miss Ati  : ....he will. He always gets here before 7.
     a.  I doubt                          
     b.  I'm sure
     c.  I'm afraid                        
     d.  I can't stay

40. Mr. James : If I don't have certificate showing ownership of 
                       property for guarantee, will the bank lend me
                        some money?
      Mr. Chang : I can't say that for sure.
      The underlined expression is used to express ....
      a.   Disappointment    
      b.   Dissagreement
      c.   Uncertainty           
      d.   Dislike

41. Peter : Are you sure air pollution is more dangerous for the children?
     Jim    : Yes, I’m quite sure. It causes the illness for them.
      The underlined sentence is used to express ......
      a.  Certainty            
      b.  Uncertainty
      c.   Disagreement     
      d.   Suggestion

42. Mike: Are you sure that tomorrow will be exam?
      Lili  : ......... that tomorrow will be exam.
       a. I’m sure            
       b. I’m not sure
       c. I’m doubt           
       d. No

43. Ciry : Are you sure that Thomas will treat all of his classmates in 
              his birthday?
      Hiyfa: I’m absolutely sure that Thomas will treat all of his classmates 
                in his birthday.
      The underlined sentence is used to express ......
      a.  Certainty            
      b.  Uncertainty
      c.  Disagreement     
      d.  Suggestion

44. Jihyo: I’m not really sure that it will start to rain.
      You :.....
      a. Don’t worry       
      b. I hope so     
      c. I agree               
      d. oh

Rahul : What do you think about the English test today? Are you sure you 
            will get a good mark Anjani? 1
Anjani : I’m absolutely sure that I will get A, because the questions seem
            easy for me. What about you Rahul? 2
Rahul : I’m doubt about the result of the exam, but I tried my best 
            on the exam. 3
Anjani : I think you don’t need to be worried about it. I believe you 
            will get a good mark.

45. The underlined sentence 1 is used to express ......
      a.  Asking for certainty          
      b.  Uncertainty
      c.   Disagreement                
      d.   Suggestion

46. The underlined sentence 2 is used to express 
      a.  Certainty             
      b.  Uncertainty
      c.   Disagreement     
      d.   Suggestion......

47. The underlined sentence 3 is used to express ......
      a. Certainty             
      b. Uncertainty
      c. Doubt                  
      d. Suggestion

48. From the dialog we know that......
      a. Anjani doubt that she will get a good mark.
      b. Rahul doubt that he will get a good mark.
      c. Anjani uncertainty that she will get a good mark.
      d. Rahul absolutely sure that he will get a good mark.

49. Rama : Look at the window, it’s cloudy. We will have rain soon.
      Sinta : I’m not really sure that it will start to rain because it’s dry season.
      The underlined sentence is used to express ......
      a. Asking for certainty          
      b. Uncertainty
      c. Disagreement                 
      d. Suggestion

50. Hani : Are you quite sure that our team will be the winner in the football   
      Jenni: .......... that our team will be the winner in the football competition.
          a. I’m no doubt                   
          b. I’m not sure
          c. I’m doubt                        
          d. No

For key anwers, send your sms or  contact my number 081997666360 dan terima kasih telah mengunjungi blog saya.

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